Support UK Manufacturing Updates
Written by: Andrea Wilson
1 min read

Every Thursday, Andrea Wilson updates the UK Manufacturing industry with the latest news and updates from the Support UK Manufacturing campaign. Join in on the conversation on LinkedIn.
Join in on the conversation on LinkedIn
Follow Andrea Wilson on LinkedIn for all the latest updates with the Support UK Manufacturing campaign.
Andrea Wilson is a successful and passionate company Director (Hone-All) with a wide range of skills, experience, and responsibilities within business and in general within the Engineering & Manufacturing Industry.
Andrea has a burning passion for engineering and manufacturing and is constantly working to improve the image and support for UK manufacturing. Andrea campaigns for better quality training provision; for Government support which suits a wider variety of business sizes and specialities; and also improving the recognition and image of engineering and manufacturing within the UK.
The latest news with Support UK Manufacturing
Andrea posts an update on the campaign progress to her LinkedIn every Thursday. Make sure you're following to be kept up to date with the latest, and join in the conversation with the SUM community.
For all your good news, best practice, and general promotion of this fantastic industry – get on LinkedIn and start using the hashtags below.
#shoutaboutukmfg – positive news
#supportukmfg –all other activity promoting engineering and manufacturing
#ukmanufacturing – on all posts promoting our amazing industry to ensure the wider audience can access everything in one place
Everyone - Shout About UK Manufacturing – Be Loud & Be Proud!
For all your good news, best practice, and general promotion of this fantastic industry – get on LinkedIn and start using the hashtags below.
#shoutaboutukmfg – positive news
#supportukmfg –all other activity promoting engineering and manufacturing
#ukmanufacturing – on all posts promoting our amazing industry to ensure the wider audience can access everything in one place
Everyone - Shout About UK Manufacturing – Be Loud & Be Proud!